Medication Management System Review for Clontarf Hospital

“HCI conducted an independent review of Clontarf Hospital’s Medication Management System in line with the JCI Accreditation Standards for Hospitals. HCI are experts at interpreting the JCI standards and we are very impressed with the quality of the report we received.”

Michelle Fanning
CEO, Clontarf Hospital
Clontarf Hospital is the largest rehabilitation hospital in Ireland, with a 160-bed occupancy, that offers rehabilitation services to patients over 18 years of age referred by a number of acute national hospitals.
In order to ensure their Medication Management System operated in line with international best practice, Clontarf Hospital commissioned HCI to undertake a review of their Medication Management System against the Joint Commission International (JCI) Accreditation Standards for Hospitals 7th Edition. The JCI Accreditation Standards were chosen as they represent the gold standard in the global healthcare community.
- Identify the strengths and weaknesses of Clontarf Hospital’s current Medication Management System in line with the JCI Accreditation Standards for Hospitals, 7th Edition.
- Provide a detailed report identifying areas for good practice and opportunities for improvement.
In order to ensure Clontarf Hospital received a comprehensive review of their Medication Management System, HCI provided the following solution:
Development of project plan.
Document review of all relevant documents pertaining to Medication Management at Clontarf Hospital.
Two day onsite review, incorporating document reviews, staff interviews and process observation.
Analysis of findings.
Development of Draft Report.
Client review of Draft Report and feedback provided to HCI.
Report is finalised and presented to the client.
- The hospital is not JCI accredited so they did not have some of the measurable elements that JCI would focus on.
HCI presented Clontarf Hospital with a detailed review of their Medication Management System. HCI’s report identified areas of good practice and areas of non-compliance, including rationale, against the JCI Accreditation Standards for Hospitals 7th Edition. Clontarf will use this report as a roadmap to implement a Medication Management System that is based on international best practice.
- Comprehensive and independent review of medication management processes, that sought opinions from all key people.
- Risk areas and gaps were identified during the onsite audit.
- The JCI Accreditation Standards for Hospitals, 7th Edition are seen as the gold standard.
- Implementing a best practice Medication management system helps to increase patient safety in relation to medication errors.
- An effective Medication Management System ensures there is appropriate clinical governance and oversight of medication management practices.
- HCI are experts in interpreting the JCI Standards.
- JCI and quality and safety knowledge is transferred to staff during the onsite review.