Quality of Care Audits

Drive continuous improvements in your service

We know that internal quality audits in healthcare are time-consuming, and often it can be difficult to remain objective during a quality audit within your own facility.

However, Quality of Care Audits are an important tool to promote continuous quality improvement. They help identify if the service, or a particular aspect of the service, is operating as it should be. Quality audits also assess whether these services adhere to the high standards in line with best practice and regulatory requirements. Audits can highlight areas where changes are needed to improve the quality of care.

HCI works with clients to implement Quality of Care Audit Programmes to provide independent oversight and quality assurance of their services. Our approach gives clients peace of mind that they are meeting regulatory requirements and best practice.

Through our quality audits we develop a deep understanding of our clients’ services. We can then use our regulatory, quality and safety knowledge to support them in developing Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) that offer real value in improving the quality and safety of their services.


Our Promise to You

Independent Oversight

Internal quality audit findings may be subject to bias. Avoid this when you use HCI as your independent auditor.

We offer independent oversight and external validation of your processes. This gives assurance to regulatory bodies, your staff and the public as to the credibility of the findings.

Culture of Patient Safety

Our Quality of Care audit programme increases accountability and demonstrates to your staff your commitment to patient safety.

This will positively influence your patient safety culture as staff will feel secure raising concerns or suggestions for QIPs as the focus will be on learning and improvement.

Quality Improvement

Organisations should not only try to achieve regulatory compliance, but they should seek recommendations for improvement.

Our Quality of Care audits ensure that there is continuous evaluation of your service against the applicable standards but also best practice so as to drive quality improvement.

We help you with:

  • Medication Management Audit
  • Infection Prevention and Control Audit
  • Safeguarding Audit
  • Risk Management Audit
  • Restrictive Practices Audit
  • Residents Rights Audit
  • Assessment and Care Planning Audit
  • Patient / Resident Tracers
  • Governance Reviews
  • Gap Analysis against relevant regulations, standards or guidelines.
  • Due Diligence

Our Quality of Care Audit Specialist

Serena Horkan

Senior Quality and Safety Specialist

Phone: +353 (0)1 629 2559

Email: info@hci.care

To learn more about how we can help, get in touch today.