Healthcare Risk Management System
Manage and track your risks
Healthcare is a complex industry, and by its nature it is susceptible to risks. Whilst risks can not be avoided entirely, providers of care must engage in risk management to help manage risks and control the severity of a potential risk. Risk management is a key element of good governance and underpins the organisation’s ability to provide safe and effective care.
An important part of healthcare risk management is maintaining a risk register. A risk register is a database of the risks identified by an organisation. It is a means of identifying, assessing, managing and monitoring all significant risks coherently.
HCI works with clients to support them in implementing an electronic Risk Register which allows for the identification of key risks, current controls and future controls. The electronic risk register allows you to add new risks as required, apply a risk rating of low, medium or high, set controls, assign responsibility and a status.
With our Risk Register you can transform your risk management process, get ahead of potential issues and proactively work to identify controls that can minimise risks and support the delivery of safe care.

Our Promise to You
Easily Accessible
The Risk Register is easily accessible for your staff through a shortcut icon on the desktop.
The risk register reporting forms are fully customisable to your requirements.
Oversight of Risks
Recording risk in one centralised location means you have better oversight of the risks in your organisation.
Staff Interaction
The Risk Register improves staff engagement by making it easy for them to record risks.
Search Functionality
The Risk Register allows you to easily filter risk by risk rating, status and responsibility.
Protect Your Organisation
Gives you a better understanding of the internal and external risks affecting your service, allowing you to put in place protective measures.
Risk Register Portal
The Risk Register Portal is an electronic risk register which supports effective oversight and management of risks within your service.
Staff have the ability to:
- View their risk responsibilities
- Add new risks
- Actively manage ongoing risks
- Search ongoing risks, view status, risk level and active controls.
Embrace Digital Transformation: Elevate Your Healthcare Quality and Safety
Discover the power of digital transformation with HCI. Book a demo of the Risk Register Portal today and learn how we can partner with you to revolutionise your healthcare organisation’s management of risks.
Our Risk Register Specialist