Development of a QMIS Utilising Q-Pulse for Aut Even Hospital

“We wanted to implement a Quality Management Information System in Aut Even Hospital that would streamline our quality processes and improve overall governance. We chose to work with HCI due to their impressive expertise and reputation with developing and implementing Q-Pulse – Quality Management Information System. We are delighted that we partnered with HCI on this. HCI really drove the project, guiding us from the initial project planning stage right through to the go live of the system. With their assistance, we were able to identify areas for improvement and enhance our quality processes. As a result, we are now providing a better quality service to our patients”.

Ann Marie Garbutt
Director of Nursing, Aut Even Hospital
Founded in 1915, Aut Even Hospital is a seventy-one-bed elective, private hospital with an eighteen-bed day surgery unit. Aut Even Hospital offers patients a broad range of surgical specialities, access to diagnostics and the provision of medical services. Aut Even Hospital identified a need to implement a Quality Management Information System (QMIS) for the entire hospital. They required a system which is patient centred, assists staff members in effectively fulfilling their roles, helps to assure safety and seeks to continuously improve the quality of service. Their preferred system to meet these requirements was Q-Pulse. As HCI is the exclusive healthcare partner for the Q-Pulse QMIS in Ireland, Aut Even requested HCI support them with the development and implementation of a QMIS utilising Q-Pulse software.
- Develop a QMIS for Aut Even Hospital using Q-Pulse.
- Identify and agree the current quality management information processes flows.
- Develop and agree the most beneficial quality management information processes flows.
- Identify how to incorporate the Q-Pulse system and its functions into these specific processes to achieve maximum benefit and efficiency.
- Agree and set up specific classifications to be used within the Q-Pulse modules.
- Upload all data relating to the users of the system and the document control module.
- Communicate, educate and roll-out the system to all relevant departments within the hospital.
In order to ensure Aut Even Hospital developed a best practice QMIS utilising Q-Pulse, HCI provided the following service:
Development of project plan.
Process mapping to identify and agree processes.
Develop report on how Q-Pulse will be integrated within the hospital with respect to identified processes and objectives.
System configuration and document upload.
Development of QMIS policies and procedures.
Onsite support, communication and tailored training sessions.
Roll out and go-live of Q-Pulse system.
Project close out with final report summarising all stages of the project and guidance for future requirements of the QMIS.
- Technical challenges of implementing a new system and re-engineering of processes.
- Concern from some staff on moving from paper-based processes to an electronic system.
- Implementation of an electronic system requires a cultural change. This is achieved over time through appropriate support and training for staff on the QMIS.
Aut Even Hospital successfully implemented the QMIS, utilising Q-Pulse. They now have a centralised system, that provides defined, consistent processes to ensure a structured approach to document control, incident management, complaints, positive feedback, audit and non-conformance management. The system has been customised specifically for use by Aut Even Hospital and is available to all staff and departments identified by Aut Even Hospital. HCI delivered four days of tailored, onsite Q-Pulse training to over 160 staff members. Specific documented policies and procedures relating to the processes relevant to the QMIS were developed to support staff in the ongoing use of Q-Pulse. Aut Even Hospital continues to build on the work done in this project to ensure the QMIS remains embedded within the hospital.
- The QMIS is customisable to the hospital’s needs.
- One centralised system for staff to use.
- A centralised system which supports the overall governance of the hospital both corporate and clinical, through the provision of a communication hub.
- Reduction in duplication of work, improved transparency and accountability for quality improvement.
- Aids in policy and procedure control.
- Satisfy national regulatory requirements and good practice.
- HCI have extensive regulatory, quality and safety knowledge and throughout the project HCI aim to identify areas for improvement, where the existing processes can be enhanced to increase efficiency within the organisation.
- The policies and procedures support the use of the different aspects of Aut Even Hospital’s QMIS.
- 98% of those who completed the Q-Pulse training rated it as Excellent or Good.