How The Rotunda Hospital use TrainScan to Manage Staff Training Records

“The Rotunda collaborated with HCI to develop TrainScan, an intuitive, user-friendly interface that allows us to streamline and improve how we manage our training records. With limited resources, it was important for us to have a system that minimised the administrative duties of managing training activities but also gave managers real time data on what training has being delivered, and to whom. We are very happy with what we have achieved with TrainScan and staff have really embraced the system. We look forward to continuing our work with HCI into the future”.

Cathy Ryan
HR Manager, The Rotunda.
The Rotunda Hospital is Ireland’s leading voluntary provider of maternity, neonatal, and gynaecology care. They are a single site and the oldest maternity hospital in Europe. A number of years ago, The Rotunda implemented the Q-Pulse People and Training module to aid in manging training needs. However, with over 1000 employees, and a small division to oversee the training requirements, The Rotunda recognised the need to implement a system that reduced training administrative duties and promoted a paperless environment. Subsequently, The Rotunda asked HCI to explore the feasibility of incorporating the scanning of staff ID cards to record attendance at training events and keep employee records up to date on Q-Pulse. HCI collaborated with the Rotunda to develop TrainScan, the Staff Training Scanning and Reporting System.
- Streamline the process for recording attendance at training events.
- Reduce duplication of work.
- Allow for the real-time recording of attendance at training events.
- Generate real-time training compliance statistics and reports.
- Transfer from a paper-based process to an electronic process.
- Reduce administrative duties and improve trainers time management.
In order to meet The Rotunda’s objectives, HCI developed TrainScan, The Staff Training Scanning and Reporting System. The key stages of the development and implementation process were:
Development of web-interface link accessible via hospital intranet.
Access permissions given to trainers and key users.
Training sessions held for trainers and key users.
Quick reference guide developed on how to access and use TrainScan.
Pilot project ran for one month to highlight any issues.
Scanner interface and paper-based sign-in sheets were used concurrently during the pilot.
Feedback forms completed after each training session.
Key issues rectified.
Promotion session held to introduce hospital staff to TranScan.
- Some staff members had old non-barcoded ID cards.
- The scanner interface is only compatible with the latest browsers and is not compatible with Internet Explorer (IE) 9 or below.
- Some staff were not set up/available in Q-Pulse at the time of pilot.
- Incorrect employee number in the Q-Pulse record.
- Resistance from some staff who were accustomed to paper-based methods.
- Slow internet connection.
HCI developed TrainScan, The Staff Training Scanning and Reporting System. This intuitive system links with The Rotunda’s Q-Pulse People and Training module and allows trainers to scan staff ID cards to record training attendance in real time. To support trainers and line mangers with keeping track of their department’s training requirements, HCI also developed a reporting system that allowed managers to run reports to identify what training has been completed and what training is required.
- The web-interface is intuitive and user-friendly.
- The Q-Pulse training event can be created and scheduled in the Q-Pulse system prior to the event or using the web-interface at the time of the event.
- Reduced training administrative duties and the duplication of work in maintaining paper-based sign-in sheets and manually inputting the staff details into the Q-Pulse training event.
- Improved response time due to real-time and automatic updating of Q-Pulse records.
- Improved quality of information in Q-Pulse records due to the electronic updating of Q-Pulse records.
- The report generator allows managers to have real time data with 24-hour access. This helps to ensure that training needs are being delivered and supports HSE and regulatory compliance.
- The system supports a paperless environment.
- Improved planning of training events, as trainers and line manager can see what dates are busy for training and what dates are free.
- The self-service aspect of the system allows staff to instantly access details on what training events are planned and they can book themselves onto a training course. This further reduces the administrative time of the trainer.