Webinar: Preparing for HIQA Monitoring and Inspection – A review of HIQA’s newly released International Protection Accommodation Services guidance documentation and how they are reflected in HIQA’s Monitoring Approach
At the request of the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, HIQA now monitors, inspects and reports on permanent IPAS centres provided to people seeking international protection, against the 2019 National Standards for accommodation offered to people in the international protection process.
To support providers of IPAS services, HIQA released four key documents in January of this year, those being:
- A Guide to the Monitoring of International Protection Accommodation Service Centres
- Assessment-Judgment Framework for the Monitoring of International Protection Accommodation Service Centres
- Guidance on the Assessment Judgment Framework for the Monitoring of International Protection Accommodation Service Centres
- Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Quality Improvement Tool for International Protection Accommodation Services
The understanding and application of these documents is critical for IPAS Providers so that they can best present their services to HIQA and illustrate how they comply with the national standards.
In this webinar, HCI complete an overview of these documents and consider the Authority’s approach as they embark on the monitoring of the sector.
Webinar Recording
Webinar Podcast