Webinar: “A Mental Health Service in Crisis” – Investigation into the systemic failings of the Tees, Esk and Wear Valley’s NHS Foundation Trust

In the summer of 2019, two teenage girls died by suicide within 6 weeks of each other while in the care of the West Lane Hospital, a mental health service provider that was part of the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust. Early the following year, another young girl also took her own life at Lanchester Road Hospital, which was also part of the Trust’s mental health hospital group.
In November 2022, the independent investigation into their deaths was released and the findings exposed grave systematic failings that directly impacted on the quality and safety of care provided to these women in the time leading up to their deaths.
This webinar reviews some of the 120 the failings in these cases as identified by the independent investigation and will identify key system related learnings that should be considered by all mental health service providers.
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Webinar: “A Mental Health Service in Crisis” – Investigation into the systemic failings of the Tees, Esk and Wear Valley’s NHS Foundation Trust
In this webinar, Oonagh Gilvarry presents the findings from the independent review of the mental health services of Tees, Esk and Wear Valley’s NHS Foundation Trust.
NOTE: A previous version of this webinar incorrectly made reference to Emily Moore’s father as being her stepfather. HCI apologies to Emily Moore’s father, David Moore, for this error and has corrected the content of the webinar accordingly.