Summary of the new National Quality Framework: Driving Excellence in Mental Health Services

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In April 2023, the Mental Health Commission (MHC) published the National Quality Framework: Driving Excellence in Mental Health Services. The National Quality Framework sets out the themes, standards and associated criteria considered essential for delivering quality and recovery oriented mental health services in Ireland.

This guidance applies to all Mental Health Services including services for children and adolescents, adults, older persons, persons with an intellectual disability and a mental illness, and forensic mental health services.

The framework aims to provide a mechanism for services to move beyond compliance with minimum standards, and instead strive for continuous improvement and better outcomes for service users. It offers clear guidance for people using mental health services, their families and representatives, service providers and the public as to what to expect in terms of best practice from a mental health service in the public, voluntary and independent sectors in Ireland.

The Themes of the National Quality Framework

There are eight themes in The National Quality Framework, these are:

Key Points to Note from the National Quality Framework

How can HCI help?

HCI has been working with health and social care organisations for over 18 years, supporting them in building Quality and Safety Management Systems that fulfil regulatory requirements and drive improvement in their services.

Gap Analysis

HCI can support Mental Health Services by conducting a Gap Analysis against the standards set out in the National Quality Framework (MHC, 2023a). We use our knowledge and understanding of regulatory inspections to develop a comprehensive report that will detail areas of good practice and areas of non-compliance against the best practice guidance.

This report can be used to support the development of a Quality Improvement Plan that will support you in implementing a best practice, comprehensive Quality and Safety Management System.


HCI also offer a number of digital health transformation solutions that can support the mental health service in meeting the requirements set out in the framework. For example, Standard 1.2.7 requires “The mental health service has an up-to-date repository of policies, procedures, protocols, and guidelines that is accessible by service providers”.

HCI’s PPG LibraryTM is an online portal that acts as a central repository for all policies, procedures and guidelines held within the Quality Management Information System (QMIS).  It offers simplified access for staff and removes the barriers to accessing policies and procedures.


Standard 7.2.4 states that “The mental health service maintains a schedule of mandatory education and training and monitors compliance with mandatory education and training requirements.”

HCI’s TrainScanTM is another digital health solution designed by HCI to reducing the administrative burden of managing training records and events. TrainScanTM is an intuitive, user-friendly system that allows for easy recording of staff attendance at training events through scanning of their staff I.D. badge. It links with the QMIS and automatically updates staff members’ training records in real time.

TrainScanTM also offers a training analysis interface designed to allow trainers, HR managers and line managers to quickly analyse all training activities undertaken by staff within their organisation/department. Managers can easily identify what training is scheduled, completed or remains outstanding. This is a very useful tool to have during a regulatory inspection.


For more information on HCI’s professional services or digital health transformation solutions contact HCI at 01 629 2559 or


MHC, 2023a. The National Quality Framework: Driving Excellence in Mental Health Services. Available:

MHC, 2023b. The National Quality Framework: Implementation Guide. Available:

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