Summary of HIQA Inspection Finding in Nursing Homes during March to May 2022

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This report by HCI highlights the trends in inspection findings, those being ‘Compliant’ and ‘Not Compliant’ as detailed by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) in reports for residential care settings for older people. The inspections were against the requirements as outlined in the following:

HCI completed a review of twenty (20) randomly selected HIQA Inspection Reports. All inspections were completed by HIQA between March 2022 to May 2022.

Summary of Findings

The review highlighted that Regulation 23: Governance and Management, Regulation 15 Staffing, Regulation 21: Records, Regulation 9 Residents’ Rights, Regulation 27: Infection Control and Regulation 28: Fire Precautions all had findings that carried a Not Compliant Red Risk.

Some of the key findings under the related dimensions and regulations include:


This report illustrates the layout of the HIQA inspection reports and details the continuing trends in HIQA findings in relation to residential care settings for older people in meeting the relevant requirements.

The trends show that high risk findings are still evident in the areas of Staffing, Governance and Management, Residents’ Rights, Infection Control and Fire Precautions with many residential centres requiring improvements in key areas such as Staff Training and Development, Managing Behaviour that is Challenging, Premises and Medicines and Pharmaceuticals.

Good practice was identified in relation to Persons in Charge, Directory of Residents, Volunteers and End of Life.

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Summary of HIQA Inspection Findings March to May 2022

Summary of HIQA Inspection Findings in Nursing Homes completed during March 2022 to May 2022.

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