Release of HIQA Guidance Documentation for the Monitoring of International Protection Accommodation Services

In January 2024, HIQA released a set of guidance documents for International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS) to support HIQA’s regulatory monitoring and inspection of the IPAS sector. These guidance documents utilise the National Standards for accommodation offered to people in the protection process (2019) and the European Communities (Reception Conditions) (Amendment) Regulations 2023.
The guidance documents detail the ten themes and standards within the National Standards for accommodation offered to people in the protection process (2019). However the indicators detailed in the National Standards are not referenced or utilised directly within the new IPAS guidance documents.
International Protection Accommodation Services Guidance Documents
HIQA’s monitoring programme for International Protection Accommodation Services aims to provide assurances that service providers are implementing and complying with the National Standards, and that service providers are making quality and safety improvements, if required.
The IPAS guidance document set includes:
- “Guide to the Monitoring of International Protection Accommodation Service Centres” – This guide is designed to give residents and service providers an overview of the approach taken by HIQA when monitoring accommodation centres against the National Standards for accommodation offered to people in the protection process.
- “Guidance on the Assessment-Judgment Framework for the Monitoring of International Protection Accommodation Service Centres” – This document aims to provide transparency for service providers on how HIQA assesses and makes judgements about compliance and non-compliance against the National Standards. It details the 10 themes, the relevant standards, what compliance with each standard looks like, and provides examples of information and evidence that an inspector can gather in order to assess if a service is compliant with the standard.
- “Assessment-Judgment Framework for the Monitoring of International Protection Accommodation Service Centres” – This document supports the service provider to self-assess their own services against the National Standards. The framework details the National Standards and lines of enquiry that will be explored by inspectors in order to assess the service’s performance against the standards being monitored.
- “Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Quality Improvement Tool for International Protection Accommodation Services” – This document aims to support service providers in their ongoing assessment of compliance with The National Standards for accommodation offered to people in the protection process. The tool divides the 10 themes of the National Standards under two dimensions – dimension of capacity and capability and dimension of quality and safety. Under each theme, the relevant National Standards are included, alongside considerations for assessing the service provider’s performance. A Quality Improvement Plan is provided in Section 2 of the document.
The documents are available on HIQA’s website here.
New Requirements to note for IPAS
- The Guide to the Monitoring for International Protection Accommodation Service Centres requires service providers to submit a ‘NF300’ Service Provider Declaration form to HIQA to identify:
- the appropriate legal entity responsible for the centre, referred to as the ‘service provider’.
- the appropriate person authorised to communicate with HIQA on behalf of the provider, termed the ‘provider representative’.
- the appropriate person responsible for operational management of the centre, referred to as the ‘centre manager’.
The ‘NF300’ Service Provider Declaration Form should be submitted by the provider or an individual who is an inherent part of the provider organisation.
- Statutory notifications: Service providers must notify HIQA of the occurrence of certain events related to the centre. HIQA refers to these as monitoring notifications. Monitoring notifications must be submitted by a provider in order to comply with the European Communities (Reception Conditions) (Amendment) Regulations 2023. Details of these monitoring notifications can be found in the Guide to the Monitoring for IPAS centres.
- Inspection types, reporting and escalation is reflective of the residential care process currently implemented by HIQA.
How can HCI help?
HCI has been working with health and social care organisations for almost two decades, supporting them make intelligence driven decisions to attain, manage and improve quality, safety and regulatory compliance.
We are currently working with IPAS centres to conduct Gap Analysis against the National Standards for accommodation offered to people in the protection process. We use our knowledge and understanding of HIQA’s approach to undertake comprehensive review of your service and provide a detailed report that will include areas of good practice and areas of non-compliance against the National Standards.
HCI can also support you in completing the new Self-Assessment Questionnaire developed by HIQA. Our specialists can help you to interpret the guidance documents, understand your compliance and develop Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) that will put you in a good position as you move forward within the regulatory framework model.
For more information contact HCI at +353 (0)1 6292559 or