What you need to know on HIQA’s Restrictive Practices Thematic Inspection Guidance Documents

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In this podcast, we provide insight into HIQA’s recent guidance documents relating to the use of Restrictive Practices within Designated Centres for Older People. We discuss what HIQA’s latest thematic inspection on restrictive practices will focus on and provide some practical tips on how to prepare for a thematic inspection relating to restrictive practices.


Are you aware that the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) will be conducting thematic inspections of restrictive practices in residential homes across Ireland this year? Is your residential home prepared for the thematic inspection?

HIQA recently published several guidance documents relating to the use of restrictive practice within Designated Centres for Older People. The documents published include:

  1. Guidance on Promoting a Care Environment that is Free from Restrictive Practice” (March 2019)
  2. Self-Assessment Questionnaire – Restrictive Practice Thematic Programme” (March 2019)
  3. Restrictive Practice Thematic Programme Quality Improvement Plan” (March 2019)
  4. Assessment Judgement Framework for Thematic Inspections of Restrictive Practices” (March 2019)

The thematic inspection programme will focus on assessing environmental and physical restraint (incorporating mechanical restraint) as well as other forms of restrictive practices. The use of chemical restraint will not be assessed as part of the thematic programme. The thematic inspections will primarily utilise the National Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland, 2016.

Key points to note from the restrictive practice thematic inspection guidance include:

For further information on the care tools provided by HCI in relation to Restrictive Practices, contact HCI at +353 (0)93 36126 or info@hci.care or visit the HCI Care Tools website www.hcicaretools.com.


Health Information and Quality Authority (2019). Guidance on Promoting a Care Environment that is Free from Restrictive Practice. Cork: Health Information and Quality Authority.

Health Information and Quality Authority (2019b). Self-Assessment Questionnaire – Restrictive Practice Thematic Programme. Cork: Health Information and Quality Authority.

Health Information and Quality Authority (2019c). Restrictive Practice Thematic Programme Quality Improvement Plan. Cork: Health Information and Quality Authority.

Health Information and Quality Authority (2019d). Assessment Judgement Framework for Thematic Inspections of Restrictive Practices. Cork: Health Information and Quality Authority

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