HIQA have launched a scoping consultation for Draft National Standards for Home Support Services

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Overview of the Draft National Standards for Home Support Services

HIQA are developing draft standards for Home Support Services in Ireland. The aim of the standards is to promote progressive quality improvements in home support services and give a shared voice to the expectations of those using the services, service providers and staff.

There are currently no established national standards for home support services in Ireland.

HIQA launched the consultation process to ask people to share their experiences and offer their views on aspects of care provision they believe that the new standards should cover.

You can find more information on the consultation process on HIQA’s website.

Objectives of the National Standards for Home Support Services

When developed, the National Standards for home support services will:

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HCI has over 16 years experience in supporting health and social care organisations in building robust Quality and Safety Management Systems to meet regulatory and best practice requirements. Contact HCI if you would like more information on how we can support you in preparation for the new National Standards.

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