HCI launches new service “HCI Inquiry Findings Compliance Evaluation”
HCI has launched a new service that will help healthcare organisations implement and learn from the findings of national and international healthcare investigations. The service is called “HCI Inquiry Findings Compliance Evaluation (IFComTM) – Improving the safety of care, learning from the lessons of others”
National and international investigations into failings in the sector are continually ongoing, however, the providers of care need to reflect on the findings of these investigations to apply system-wide learning for the benefit of all service users. HCI has developed a review mechanisms which amalgamates the findings and recommendations of the recent high profile healthcare inquiries in Ireland and the UK including The Mid-Staffordshire Inquiry, The Savita Halappanavar Investigation, The Morecambe Bay Inquiry, The Portlaoise Hospital Report, among others.
HCI’s methodology incorporates a structured documentation review, onsite staff interviews and analysis. The output provides a project plan to address key risk areas for your organisation around patient safety, quality improvement and learning the lessons from the events that have gone before. HCI also provides practical support to rectify these issues in an efficient and effective way.