HCI’s Quality and Safety of Care Assurance Programme supports compliance with the Quality Standard for Imaging (QSI)

The Quality Standard for Imaging (QSI), developed by the Royal College of Radiologists and The College of Radiographers, sets out the criteria that defines a quality imaging service. It is to be used by radiology services within the UK, including Northern Ireland, as a tool to evaluate their performance and identify areas where quality improvement is needed. Evidence of meeting the standard can be achieved through formal assessment by the UK’s National Accreditation Body, UKAS for accreditation against all elements of the QSI. Achieving accreditation provides assurances to the public that services are safe and of a high quality.
In this blog we consider how utilising HCI’s Quality and Safety of Care Assurance Programme, powered by Q-Pulse provides a framework to help you achieve compliance with the QSI.
HCI’s Quality and Safety of Care Assurance Programme
HCI Quality and Safety of Care Assurance Programme, powered by Q-Pulse is not simply a software-based solution, but rather an ongoing comprehensive quality and safety management service. HCI take a proactive approach to managing your Quality and Safety Management System, interpreting data, providing you with advanced quality and safety intelligence and quality improvement recommendations. Our hands-on approach ensures that you are supported and expertly guided towards building a robust Quality and Safety Management System that supports compliance with the QSI.
The key features of service are:
- Quality Management Information System (Q-Pulse)
- Quality and Safety Reviews
- Regulatory Policies and Procedures
- Quality and Safety Audits
- Quality and Safety Intelligence Portal (QualSIP)
- Regulatory Notifications and Safety Alerts
- Learning from Excellence
- Quality and Safety Education and Support
- Q-Pulse Administration and Frontline Staff Support
- Safety Culture Surveys
10 Reasons to Utilise HCI Quality and Safety of Care Assurance Programme to support compliance with QSI
1) Powered by Q-Pulse
The Quality and Safety of Care Assurance Programme is powered by Q-Pulse, a Quality Management Information System (QMIS). Q-Pulse is a centralised electronic system for management of documents, incidents, risks, audits, complaints/feedback, staff training records, suppliers and assets and Quality Improvement Plans. This system will allow you to effectively manage and oversee many of the criteria outlined in the QSI, in particular section LM2 of the Leadership and Management Domain stipulates imaging services must have a Quality Management System to integrate and monitor all its processes.
2) Technical Administration and Immediate Support
HCI have been supporting Q-Pulse users in healthcare for the last 15 years. We provide a comprehensive Q-Pulse Administration Support Service that will ensure your system is administered properly and that your staff have consistent access to knowledgeable Q-Pulse support 365 days a year. HCI currently provide support to over 20,000 healthcare staff in Ireland.
3) Expert Recommendations
Partnering with HCI, ensures you get access to practical, in depth knowledge of Q-Pulse and Quality and Safety practices in general. HCI has a wealth of experience to drawn upon and can offer you advice and recommendations as to areas for quality improvement and enhancement of processes in order to comply with the QSI.
4) Effective Auditing of Processes
Section CL8 of the QSI Clinical Domain requires imaging services to ensure regular audit of current practice, review and dissemination of appropriate findings. Q-Pulse Audit Management Module gives you full control of the auditing lifecycle from planning, scheduling, reviewing and sharing of findings. The Q-Pulse Audit app means that you can conduct the audit on the go and findings will be uploaded to your Q-Pulse system.
In addition, HCI will conduct Independent Quality and Safety Audits as per an agreed Audit Schedule. This schedule can be updated to reflect any risks identified in previous audits. HCI’s Best Practice Team keep up to date with new and emerging best practice techniques and guidelines, including clinical practice. Any new guidance can be incorporated as part of the audits.
5) Build a Culture of Safety with an open and learning environment
An important part of building a culture of safety is reporting and analysing incidents and complaints. As part of the QSI, in particular in the Facilities, Resources and Workplace Domain and the Patient Experience Domain, imaging services are required to implement systems to manage internal and external incidents and patient feedback. Q-Pulse provides an effective system whereby incidents and complaints / feedback can be recorded, analysed and findings can be communicated to staff. This practice improves communication and learning, promotes a culture of safety and supports the criteria of the QSI.
6) Quality and Safety Education and Training
Section FR4 of the Facilities, Resources and Workplace Domain of the QSI specifies that services must have systems in place to ensure all staff are supported to maintain necessary skills, knowledge and levels of competences and to develop new competencies.
HCI’s Quality and Safety of Care Assurance Programme supports this through the delivery of education and training to your staff. HCI’s training programme can be tailored to your specific requirements. Examples of the types of training HCI can provide include Q-Pulse training, risk management, audit management, policies and procedure management, incident management and infection prevention and control.
7) Regulatory, Quality and Safety and Accreditation Specialists
HCI has a wealth of experience interpreting international accreditation standards including JCI and CHKS. HCI has worked with many health and social care organisations to support them in successfully preparing for their accreditation assessment. See case studies such as Medical Optics and St Vincent’s Private Hospital for examples of the tailored support we provided them with.
8) Enhanced Governance and Oversight of Services
QualSIP, HCI’s Quality and Safety Intelligence Portal, allows healthcare organisations to ensure appropriate and useful quality and safety data is gathered, extracted and analysed. It is an easy to use, web-based interface which offers dynamic dashboards displaying real time governance intelligence including incidents, risks, clinical data and KPIs. This is an important and useful tool to demonstrate effective monitoring and oversight of services as required in the Leadership and Management Domain of the QSI.
9) Keep staff informed with alerts
HCI will keep your staff informed with alters such as patient safety alerts, incident alerts, regulatory and best practice alerts. This ensures that your staff receive appropriate communication regarding such things as lessons to be learned from incidents, QIPs or changes in regulations or best practice guidance.
Section CL8 of the Clinical Domain requires the service to stay informed of emerging clinical practices and implementation of new practices as appropriate. HCI’s Best Practice Team can assist you with the review of clinical practices, ensuring you are always kept to date with best practice techniques.
10) Enhanced use of System Interfaces
HCI has a variety of web-based system interfaces that are powered by Q-Pulse. Examples include QualSIP, HCI LibraryTM – a Policies & Procedures Simple Access Portal, TrainScanTM – Record Training Attendance and Compliance Reports and the Dynamic Incident Reporting Forms. These interfaces are simple, user friendly and to help make it easier for staff to use and engage with Q-Pulse.
HCI’s Quality and Safety of Care Assurance Programme is a practical solution to support you in complying with the QSI. HCI is a provider of professional services in relation to patient safety, quality improvement, and regulatory compliance. As such we understand your requirements and have the necessary experience to expertly support you through your accreditation journey.