HIQA announces a new inspection and monitoring programme of healthcare services

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Are you ready for a HIQA inspection against the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare?


On 6th April 2022, The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) announced it is to commence a new inspection and monitoring programme of public acute hospitals and rehabilitation and community inpatient healthcare services.

HIQA will carry out inspections to monitor healthcare services against the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare to assess the standard and quality of care in these services.

HIQA has stated that all services will receive a minimum of two inspections in each three-year cycle. One inspection will be an announced inspection and the second will be an unannounced inspection. Targeted inspections will be carried out if and when required in response to risk.

Areas of Focus during the HIQA inspection

As part of the initial phase of monitoring, HIQA state that their core assessment will relate to:

HIQA have pulled out 11 specific standards from the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare for which they plan to assess services against. These are:

Compliance with the Standards

For each of these standards, lines of enquiry have been provided by HIQA in the Guide to the Assessment Judgment Framework for monitoring healthcare services against the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare to assist the healthcare provider in assessing their compliance.

Healthcare services are expected to continually review and self-assess their services against the national standards and put measures in place to comply with the standards.

How can HCI help?

HCI is the leading provider of patient safety, regulatory compliance, and quality improvement support, and digital transformation systems, to health and social care organisations in Ireland.  Our experts can support your organisation in building fully comprehensive Quality and Safety Management Systems (QSMS) to support compliance with the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare and be ready for a HIQA inspection.

Our support offering includes:

Further Information

Contact Us

For more information contact info@hci.care or Phone +353 (0)1 6292559.